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[도전명상] 증산상제님의 말씀 - 이때는 해원시대라.

by 가가운장 2024. 10. 20.

이때는 해원시대라.

내가 이제 신명을 조화하여 만고의 원을 끄르고

상생의 도로써 조화정부를 열어 만고에 없는 선경세계를 세우고자 하노라.


Now is the age of the resolution of bitterness and grief and the fulfillment of wishes. I shall bring harmony to the spirits by resolving their bitterness that has accumulated over the ages and by fulfilling their wishes, and I shall establish the Government of Creation-Transformation through the dao of mutual life-giving and life-saving to raise up the unprecedented world of the Paradise of Immortality.

(Korean-English Dojeon 2:20)




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